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NeedInstructions offers many conventional healthcare techniques. In addition to that, we also offer information about alternative medicine to help you get over a cold. Here, you can also learn how to clean and protect your cuts and scrapes.

How to Apply an Arm Sling
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


(0 Ratings)
Arm slings are used to immobilize an arm that has been injured or that requires support following an orthopedic or surgical procedure. The goal of immobilizing the arm is to reduce pain, prevent further injury and facilitate rapid healing.

How to cure a stomach ache
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


(0 Ratings)
Stomach aches can be a huge pain, literally! There are ways to help cure stomach aches and here are some tips!

How to Make a Poultice for Corns and Calluses
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


(0 Ratings)
Here's an old-fashioned, time-proven method to treat corns and calluses.
How to Heal, or Prevent, Gastric Ulcers
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


(0 Ratings)
Gastric ulcers form when the protective stomach mucosal barrier breaks down. Painful open sores are produced in the lining from contact with digestive acids. It is possible to prevent, or help heal, gastric ulcer damage by improving your diet and using natural remedies. Read on to find out how.

How to heal a peptic ulcer without drugs
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


(0 Ratings)
Having peptic ulcers, located in the lining of the stomach, takes the quality out of your everyday life. They can really hurt, and are more often than not, recurring. But here is a simple, easy, and cost effective way to heal. There are no harmful side effects to this, and it works fast. The solution: Raw cabbage juice!