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Home Improvement & Gardening
Transform your home with insight and instructions for home design, decorating, home improvement, landscaping and much more.
How to Keep Your Home Pet Odor Free
Posted By: ethernum;
Category: Home Improvement & Gardening;
November 2, 2008
Author ethernum;
Anyone who has owned a pet, whether it be a dog, cat, hamster, or other exotic creature knows how much fun and joy they can bring. However they can also carry a "pet smell" into your home. This becomes increasingly difficult when there are multiple animals that stay in the house the majority or all of the time. And in colder or warmer climates where the windows have to be closed to maintain the
How To Replace A Basement Window
Posted By: PDogg;
Category: Home Improvement & Gardening;
October 27, 2008
Author PDogg;
Here are some basic steps to replace your basement window.
How To Wash Dishes Properly
Posted By: CLEvans
Category: Home Improvement & Gardening;
October 25, 2008
Author CLEvans;
Hate dirty dishes? Would you like to know how to wash dishes properly so that you can eat off those sparking clean plates, silverware and cups? If so, follow these steps to get your dishes so clean you can eat off of them!
How To Install Wood Panel Fencing
Posted By: d_giordano
Category: Home Improvement & Gardening;
October 20, 2008
There are many reasons for building a fence. Security, noise reduction and boundary definition are practical reasons. A well-designed and installed fence is a stylish addition to your home landscape. Wood fences allow you to combine function and fashion. Preassembled fence panels make fence construction faster and easier for do-it-yourselfers.
How To Build a Pergola
Posted By: d_giordano
Category: Home Improvement & Gardening;
October 20, 2008
A pergola gives a deck character and provides a focal point for decoration and design. Pergolas are great for vines, other climbing plants and hanging baskets. If you don't have a green thumb, dress the pergola with lights, ribbon or streamers for special occasions. This pergola makes a great weekend project - a good helper would make the job go much more smoothly.