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Government & Politics
Did you happen to lose your social security card and need to get a new? Here at NeedInstructions we will give you the steps to help you obtain and report your lost social security card. In addition you will also get instructions on how to become more knowledgeable about politics.
How to file US Federal Income Taxes using TurboTax
Posted By: dbridges;
Category: Government & Politics;
February 6, 2010
Author Dr. David Bridges;
A complete guide to filing your own US Federal Income Taxes using the latest TurboTax program from Intuit Software.
How To Become a Senator In The United States
Posted By: atluriram;
Category: Government & Politics;
November 27, 2008
Author atluri ramesh;
The United States works with 100 senate members and one third of these members will be elected for every two years. All the states in the Unites States will elect two Senators. So if your looking for a career in politics and would like to be a senator, follow these instructions to get you started on your path to become a senator.
How to Get Started As A Government Contractor
Posted By: wndschnberg;
Category: Government & Politics;
October 21, 2008
Author Cheryl Antier;
Becoming a contractor or sub-contractor for the U.S. government can bring in lucrative, ongoing revenue to your small business. But doing business with the government is very different than typical business-to-business selling.
How to Get Off a Government Watch List
Posted By: wndschnberg;
Category: Government & Politics;
October 21, 2008
Author Ryan Singel;
If you're attempting to shake free of a list you are actually on, it can only be done by the agency that put you on the list in the first place….
How to Sell to the Government
Posted By: wndschnberg;
Category: Government & Politics;
October 21, 2008
Author U.S. General Services Administration;
GSA is the federal government’s business manager, buyer, real estate developer, telecommunications manager, and IT solutions provider. GSA offers businesses the opportunity to sell billions of dollars worth of products and services to federal agencies through contract vehicles.