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Would you like to learn how to count cards? Here at NeedInstructions you can learn valuable tips on how to play black jack, or play Texas Hold'em poker. Or maybe you still can't beat that video game yet. Whatever you're looking for, it's right here!
How to Have Fun Indoors on a Rainy Day
Posted By: teresaschultz;
Category: Games & Recreation;
June 4, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
When the weather is bad outside and you're feeling bored, give that imagination of yours a little exercise!
How to Have a Scary Night-time Adventure.
Posted By: teresaschultz;
Category: Games & Recreation;
June 4, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
We recommend this activity be attempted only if an adult is close by, especially if there are young or sensitive children participating.
How to Find Really Old Barns
Posted By: teresaschultz;
Category: Games & Recreation;
June 4, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
This is pretty much a child adventure, but many adults will also enjoy it. Kids, you need to arrange that Mom or Dad will be able to drive you around, without getting lost. Pack a picnic, and take your camera with.
How to Eat a Burning Fiery Sweet
Posted By: teresaschultz;
Category: Games & Recreation;
June 4, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
Children love hard candy. Children claim to love hard candy that is burny. There are special techniques when eating this sort of “delicacy”.
How to Walk along the Beach with Your Imaginary Friend
Posted By: teresaschultz;
Category: Games & Recreation;
June 4, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
T o do this, you first need to get permission to leave whichever asylum you’re being held in. Of course, if your friend is only imaginary, you may not be in an asylum at all. Hmm..., if your friend is real, but nobody else can see your friend, you shouldn’t be allowed out. Ever. But yeah, what the hell.