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Computer, Internet & Information Technology

Having issues with your computer? Did you misplace that wireless modem manual? Here at NeedInstructions you will learn how to set up an email account, troubleshoot through your computer problems, and learn how to code your own website with html and many other programming languages.

How To Post Images From Hootsuite to Facebook
Author Rae Sanford; Website: Tags: post, picture, Image, Hootsuite, Facebook;


(5.0 Ratings)
Here is a video instruction on how you can use Hootsuite to post images to
How to Recover Your Facebook Account
Author arkazlive; Website: Tags: password, forgot, Facebook, account;


(5.0 Ratings)
Here is a step by step video on how to recover your Facebook account and password.
How To Fix A Slow Computer That Use To Be Fast
Posted By: d_giordano ; Category: Computer, Internet & Information Technology; April 24, 2012
Author d_giordano;


(5.0 Ratings)
Are you asking yourself why your computer is so slow? Do you wish your computer speed was back to when it was when you first purchased it. Are you experiencing problems that slow your computer down, your screen freezes frequently while you are working on the PC? Is your Internet so slow even with DSL or Cable? If so these steps will help you fix these issues.
How To Create a Black & White Image with Some Colors Using GIMP 2
Author BandofBrothersStudio; Website: Tags: photo, image;


(5.0 Ratings)
This instructional video with show how to turn your a color image and only keeping certain colors to show while leaving everything black and white using GIMP 2
How To Submit a YouTube Video Response
Author jakewhitcomb; Website: Tags: youtube, video response;


(5.0 Ratings)
Here is a step by step video instruction that will show you how to add a YouTube video response in the comments.