How to Care For A Snakebite
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 2, 2008
Author ethernum;
Every year thousands of people in the United States are bitten by poisonous snakes. Most because of quick thinking and fast medical care are not fatal. But everyone should be aware of the dangers posed by poisonous snakes.
Stay calm, becoming excited or agitated will cause the poison to spread. Most snake bites are not fatal but becoming agitated will increase the heart beat which allows the poison to spread.
Call 911 if you or someone you know has been bitten by a poisonous snake.
Lay or sit the person with the snake bite below heart level.
Try and remember what the snake looked like so that you can describe it to medical personnel. This can help them to know what treatment to use.
Limit fluid intake because the body pumps fluid to the site of the bite which can increase painful swelling.
Many of the old treatments for snake bites that were recommended only a few years ago are no longer thought to be effective. Because of this I've included a list of what not to do.
Do not pick up the snake or try to trap it (this may put you or someone else at risk for a bite). * Do not apply a tourniquet. * Do not cut the wound with a knife. * Do not suck out the venom.(this can expose you to the poison) * Do not apply ice or immerse the wound in water. * Do not drink alcohol. * Do not drink caffeinated beverages.
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