Find out how you can help develop the speaking abilities of your little angel with these easy tips.
Have them to listen to language audio CDs. Get themselves familiar with the alphabet and its corresponding sounds.
Have them watch educational TV shows like “Dora the Explorer” or “Barney.” Such shows are not only very colorful to watch but are also a good source for concept and speech development.
Talk to them. The best training would still be letting them talking to them and letting them talk by themselves.
Lessen the baby-talks. Baby-talking could hamper speech development.
Start with visual stimulation. Speech and language development is enhance when stimulated visually. When a toddler sees a red apple, the tendency is to try as hard to say the word “apple.”
Teach them nursery rhymes and songs. Nursery rhymes are easier and a lot of fun to pronounce and recite.
Chants are effective. Chants are effective because it follows a certain intonation; thus, making it easier for the toddler to follow.
Teach them how to count. This is basic. Start with numbers 1-10.
If you can’t be with them often, as their guardian to talk to them. Ask their guardians to talk to them as often as possible to further develop and enhance their speech development.
Be reactive. Being reactive is already a visual stimulant. Do so and you are sure to see a good result in their speech development.